• Carmelaram
  • Bangalore – Karnataka
students with knight mascot

Covid Response

Covid Response

Covid Response

  • Microsoft Teams and Grapp
COVID-19 has fundamentally changed how we learn and work. While many of the trends we see today were present before the outbreak, they have been greatly accelerated by the worldwide move to remote learning and work. When the first COVID-19 lockdowns happened in 2020, no school was fully prepared. Even the ones who had already adopted digital communications tools like Microsoft Teams were challenged to come up with new strategies to manage an entirely online school timetable and help students, parents and teachers alike cope with a stressful and unfamiliar situation
  • Virtual Learning
Helping students to find to purpose is one of the noblest aspects of education. We are well aware of the COVID-19 pandemic that has halted our normal life and people around the globe are fighting against it. As we are all in a challenging situation facing many crises, the schools around the world is shut down but ‘EDUCATION’ knows no LOCKDOWN, moving from blackboard to the screens of Laptop/Mobile to shape the future of tomorrow’s hope. In the month of June, the school provided a new online platform for our students, that keeps the learning process persist.
  1. Cyber Ethics
  2. Accountability
  3. Cleanliness & Orderliness
  4. Responsibility
  5. Courtesy
  6. Honesty
  7. Dignity of Labor
  8. Equality of Gender
  9. National Integration
  10. Patriotism
  11. Trust and mercy                                                         
  • Online Exams 
Online exams conducted through Microsoft team
  • Online Fee Payment 
SIB Mirror+ | Mobile Banking App, the fee collection solution offered by south Indian Bank is a set of solutions offered to Educational Institutions. School fees are payable at the nearby south Indian bank or using SIB Mirror+ | Mobile Banking App  on prescribed date.
  • 1 st Installment April
  • 2nd Installment November
  • Online Admission Facilities  
  1. The academic year of the school is from June to April. Admission to Nursery, L.K.G and U.K.G are taken in the month of December.
  2. Application to other classes will be entertained only at the instance of vacancies in those classes.
  3. The prospectus with Application from shall be available from the school office during the prescribed days.
  4. Admission of the selected children shall be taken on the assigned days. Those who fail to respond shall forfeit their chance.
  5. Parents shall deposit the first installment of the fees at the time of admission.
  6. The following documents are essential at the time of admission.
  • Transfer certificate from the school last attended
  • Medical Fitness certificate.
  • The presence of the parents is mandatory during the admission process. 
  • Birth Certificate from the competent authority.
  • Stamp-size photographs to be affixed on the application form
  • Online Seminars & Workshops for the Students and Teachers. 
Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering conducted a week workshop for teachers on “Tools for Online Education” from 10th August to 14th Auguest,2020. Teachers were benefited and familiarized with the usage of effective new tools for online education.
In the wake of these stressful and testing times, a seminar was conducted to create awareness during Covid19 pandemic. One-hour online session was held under the title ‘Hands, Face, Spaces’ on the 17th of November ,2020, for the classes 1 to 5. The esteemed speakers were sr. Catherine, Mrs. Shubha and Mrs. Rani. Students were illuminated on the topics such as covid19 precautions and Preventive measures, Personal Hygiene and so on. It was indeed an informative and lively session.