• Carmelaram
  • Bangalore – Karnataka
students with knight mascot

Our founder and Praying mother

Our founder and Praying mother

It was on 13th of February 1866 that our congregation was founded by the combined efforts of Blessed Chavara KuriakoseElisa, a man of high vision and mission, and the Italian missionary Rev. Fr. Leopold Boccaro O.C.D.

This is the historical context in which Kuriakose Elias Chavara, a great champion of education in the Syro-Malabar community, rose as the morning star with his dreams and plans for a society in which all would be equal in matters of education irrespective of caste, creed, and sex. Chavara made the clarion call to initiate as a mission of the Church. While he was the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Verapoly, in charge of the Syrian Catholics, he ordered the parish authorities to establish schools attached to every parish church. Further, he made lessons in Sanskrit available to students of all the classes and castes who wanted to have access to higher education in that line. With the help of the two indigenous religious Congregations which he established, he tried to spread education to all parts of the region. Besides the parish, each monastery started a school.