• Carmelaram
  • Bangalore – Karnataka
students with knight mascot

School Highlights

School Highlights

Total number of tachers: 70 Total number of students: 1800 No of Books in library: 5302
  • Activities of the school
The students are divided into four groups so as to encourage healthy competition that the innate abilities of the students may be brought into the limelight. We render them with many opportunities in the course of the year, for their physical, mental, intellectual, psychological and societal growth. For this sports and games have a very important role to play. They are also encouraged for team work that the leadership qualities may be discovered and refined. Students are given special training for band rhythms and March past to promote discipline.
  • Our Strength:
  1. Well-furnished digital classrooms
  2. Dedicated and well qualified staff
  3. Spacious and serene school campus
  4. Opportunities to involve in sports and other activities
  5. Well-maintained library
  6. Fully furnished Audio-Visual Room
  7. Well-equipped laboratories and computer lab
  8. Ample play area
  9. Clean, calm and pollution free atmosphere
  • Physical Education:
Carmel Convent School, always aims at the integrated all round growth and development of the students. It is said that, the Education must bring out the best in a child/body, mind and spirit.  Hence, sports receive as much importance here.  We make optimum use of the spacious play ground; our students are actively involved in sports and games under the efficient coaching given by our physical Education teachers.  We have very active teams for football, throw ball, basketball, volley ball, cricket etc.
  • Co-curricular activities:
The school organizes various cultural and literary programmes (Inter House Competitions) every year to bring out the talents of the students and prepare them for different Inter School Competitions. Besides this, the school promotes outdoor and social activities in order to develop children’s social confidence, empathy, constructive skills, aesthetic awareness, communicative skills and sportsmanship.
  • Western Music:
Music is your own thoughts and wisdom. Introducing music in the early childhood years can help to foster a positive attitude towards learning to sharpen their smoothing music skill. We are providing excellent musical education to our students through the professional trainers from Torrens Music group.
  • Theatre Education:
Theatre is a mirror, a sharp reflection of life. Theatre education is a process that uses interactive drama practices for students to help aid the educational process. Acting various roles in different situations, time periods and cultures, promotes compassion and it develops tolerance for others feelings and viewpoints. It combines the new ideas and abilities of its participants. This co-operative learning includes discussion, sharing, negotiating, rehearsing and performing their best.  
  • Club Activities:
Clubs enable students to meet- mix and collaborate with other students from different backgrounds in a different environment. They are pushed outside of their comfort zone and encouraged to showcase their talents and socialise. It provides plenty of opportunities for students to take on leadership roles which boost their level of confidence and sense of excellence.
  • Competitive Examinations:
In the midst of all these co-curricular and extracurricular activities, our focus is never far from academic pursuits. We are fortunate to participate in a number of competitive exams like V V M – Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan Examination, All India Drawing, Handwriting and Essay competitions, KISA, NTSE, DCL, National level science talent search examination and in all India scholarship examinations.
  • Library
The School Library is well equipped with large collection of books, periodicals, reference materials, encyclopedias, technical guides, magazines, etc. on various subjects. It enriches and enhances knowledge and level of understanding of the students. As many as 4200 books adorn our library shelves. All the students from Class II to VIII have access to library during the library hours allotted in a week. Class IX and X are permitted to borrow two books in a week for extra learning. The library provides an opportunity to the students to discover the treasures hidden in the books. Through the library the students develop good habit of reading and love for books. The books about great leaders enable the students to form themselves.
  • Founder’s Day:
In connection with the CMC Founder’s Day the students were given a series of talks on the life of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the great educationist who is known as the star of the east.  The enriching talks were delivered by Rev. Fr. Cherian Thunduparambil CMI, the professor of Theology, and two theology students from Dharmaram Theology College, Bangalore.  We all enjoyed spending time with the great man Saint Chavara, who will remain as a perennial source of inspiration for us in the years to come.
  • Lifeology:
Lifeology is the Guinness World Record winning guidance App for parents. We are glad to associate with Lifeology. Lifeology future guidance hub is a virtual guidance hub exclusive for the members L-GEN that caters to every guidance requirements parents and children face in the areas of
  • Education
  • Skill development center
  • Emotional guidance center
  • Career planning center.
  • Infirmary:
A well-equipped medical room to take care of all minor ailments and also deals with emergencies during school hours. We have an infirmary with a dedicated space where students can rest or recover when they need medical attention.