Life At School
Life At School
School House System
To work for effective management and discipline and to foster Team Spirit the school has established a house system whereby the students are divided into four houses distinguished by colors to have healthy competitions and work in co-operation to prove their innate talents. This fosters group activities and democratic leadership qualities. The different houses have their Captains and Vice-Captains as in the parliamentary system of administration. Student Captains organize the group activities, prepare their members to compete with the others, guided and motivated well by their Group in-Charges.
School Uniform
School Uniform (I - X) : | Royal blue Skirt/pant and White shirt with Blue stripes, with blazer (on prescribed days), Royal blue socks with white stripes and black shoes. Blue ribbon for girls is a must. |
School Uniform (I - X): | Tracksuit on Wednesday and Saturday. |
School Uniform (Pre-primary): | Royal Blue Skirt/pant and White shirt with Blue stripes, with sweater (on prescribed days), Royal blue socks with white stripes and black shoes. blue Hair band / ribbon for girls is a must. |
School Rules
Discipline is an integral part of the learning process. If a student is to develop self-control, they must be helped to understand his emotions and impulses, to live in harmony with others, to respect the tradition of his family, to keep the laws of his country and to obey the commandments of God. Special care must be taken by teacher and pupils to maintain an atmosphere of silence and serious work during class hours. Order must be the hall-mark of the school; cleanliness is therefore a must in classroom, Corridors and the compound reflect the tone of the school which aims at bringing up young boys and girls to mature adulthood. A standard of excellence is what we should attempt to maintain. The school expects every child to contribute to the excellence of standards.
- All pupils shall make themselves acquainted with rules and Regulations Notified ed for their conduct. Ignorance of the rule will not be accepted as an excuse.
- When the second bell is rung all pupils should assemble the school ground in silence to begin the day with prayer. After the assembly they should proceed to their classes in perfect order.
- When the teacher enters in to the class room, the pupils shall rise, greet him/ her and remain standing till they are asked’ to sit.
- All shall remain silent and study till the teacher come to the class, after each period.
- Pupils should not leave their classroom during any period without the permission of their teacher in charge.
- When students leave the class rooms for library / laboratory work/physical education class or any such activities they should move in double line keeping always the left side. Change of class between periods should be done in perfect silence and in order.
- Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience of defiance of authority or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school is sufficient reasons for the dismissal of student.
- No pupil shall enter any classroom other than his/ her own without permission. Pupil may change their place in the classroom only with the permission of the class teacher.
- Books or periodicals not approved by the school authority shall not be brought into the school premises.
- All pupils are expected to speak English in the school premises.
- No pupil is allowed to leave the school premises without permission of the principal.
- Parents of children responsible for damage or loss of property will have to compensate the school for the same.
- Without the permission of the Principal, no collection of any kind can be made.
- Objectionable conduct in or out of school would make students liable for disciplinary action.
- Parents are requested to inform the school of any change in address or telephone number.
- Students who disobey, carry on illegal or antisocial activities, or break the rules and code of conduct of the school are liable to have their names struck off the school register.
- Students must bring the calendar / diary every day to school.
- Criticism of your children’s teachers in the presence of children should be avoided as it encourages them to lose respect for their teachers. In case of any grievances, kindly meet the Principal.
- Parents are advised to make it a point to attend the Open Day as indicated in this diary for each term.
- Without the permission of the Principal, no collection of any kind can be made.
To the Parents
Parents are expected to ensure that their children are neat and tidy before leaving for school. They must also make it a point of duty to sign the reports and to co-operate with the staff in the education of their children in time.
- The parents are requested to meet the class teacher on Second Saturday along with their ward to discuss their problems. Parents are requested to check the school diary of their ward daily and see that the lessons and home works assigned for the next day are done, Remarks made in the diary should be seen and counter signed regularly.
- Parents/Guardians should not visit the classroom during the class hours.
- Parents desiring to take their child early during school hours should seek the permission of the principal, though a written application and ID proof should be brought along with.
- As the medium of instruction in this school is English, children should be helped to follow their classes easily and intelligently by a certain amount of regular English conversation at home. If a pupil is likely to be absent through illness for long period, the principal must be informed at once or within 3 days.
- Criticism of your children’s teachers or school in their presence should be avoided because it causes them to lose their respect for their teachers with a consequent failure.